miércoles, 8 de marzo de 2023

Quality eTwinning projects 1


My name is Juan Antonio Rincón Carballo. I am the coordinator of the International Programmes of my school, an eTwinning ambassador in Extremadura (Spain).

1. I would like to become more familiar with quality criteria and learn about new creative ways of approaching them.

2. Design collaborative activities that have an impact on our students.

3. The benefits of pupils' participation in eTwinning projects are manifold: improving language skills, opening their minds to other realities and cultures, problem-solving skills, improving their digital skills, etc.

Best regards.


In order to start your work upon projects with students, you have to realize what virtues and flaws it may contain. Therefore, it will be reasonable to make a SWOT analysis of this work.
Image credits: Cioni, 2020

An online tool that will certainly help you in this procedure is the VisualParadigm in which you can perform digitally a SWOT analysis and share it with your project partners. Tutorial. Link to Padlet.


The passage discusses the importance of integrating eTwinning projects into the school curriculum, and highlights the importance of incorporating international collaboration into project work. 

 An eTwinning project is alive and evolves throughout its duration. After its completion, you may find that you have covered more content from the core curriculum than you would have if you had done the project alone. The projects section of ESEP provides inspiration and new ideas.


Review the core curriculum for the subject(s) you teach and select the topic that can be creatively enriched through project work and international collaboration.

Make a post on the forum for teachers of the level on which you teach your pupils and let them know which topic you would like to choose for innovation/creative development in an eTwinning project.

Describe your innovation idea and you may also comment on other participants posts/ideas (up  to 300 words).

Link to Padlet.


Collaborative projects are a good way to get to know students better, because they allow for students' autonomy. This allows for cohesive work and satisfaction with the project. Some students think more slowly, while others think faster. To better understand which students are thinkers, it is helpful to look at the Types of Thinking article

 The main points of the passage are that students' aptitude (including ourselves!) depends basically on the temperament, and that there are different roles that students can take on in class projects.

More articles:

- Are you a leader or a follower?

- Temperaments.

- Personality types.


Go through the personality tests of the previous section and think about the students you would like to carry out the eTwinning project with. Try to describe at least two of the individuals and assign them roles in your future project (of course you may describe more). Please do not share students’ real names!

Make a visit card of the project participants. Describe his/her temperament, personality traits, skills and whatever comes to your mind and is important for the project and assign a role in the project that may suit this student perfectly. Have a look at the following example.

eTwinning Ambassadors - Module 1


Welcome Webinar eTwinning Ambassador Course by European School Education Platform in YouTube. Link to the video. Link to the presentationThis webinar has been incredibly informative and helpful in understanding the overall structure of the course. I am very grateful to the moderators for taking the time to provide such an insightful presentation. I am confident that the knowledge and understanding gained from this webinar will be beneficial in the future. I would like to express my sincere thanks to the moderators for their dedication and effort in making this webinar a success. Best regards.

Ambassadors in their school
Discussion: Ambassadors in their school. Link to PadletConsidering the previous video, in your view, how should ambassadors promote eTwinning in their schools? Add your idea about promoting and disseminating eTwinning in your school to the Padlet below and give examples of successful approaches. Keep in mind that you can upload images in your post to substantiate your idea or add links to materials you have created. 

I'm Juan Antonio and I'm a primary school teacher in Spain. My experience with eTwinning has been going on for a few years now. I am proud to say that this is my first year as an eTwinning ambassador and I am very excited about the opportunity.

I think that the beginning of the school year meetings are an essential part of getting the word out about the platform and all the amazing possibilities it offers. This year, one of the ways we used to motivate other teachers to join the platform was to connect it to the library project through an eTwinning project. I think this is a great way to get everyone involved and excited about the platform. The difficulties this year have been both the technical issues of the platform and the digital competence of the teaching staff.

For dissemination, we have used our school's blog and website, as well as social media.

At the entrance of the school, we have an eTwinning / Erasmus corner that proudly displays all the final products that have been created from the various projects our students have been working on. From handmade posters to digital presentations, the corner is filled with the fruits of our students' hard work and dedication. The corner is a reminder of the global reach of our internationalization of education. It is an ode to the creativity of our students and the power of collaboration, and a symbol of our commitment to the values of eTwinning and Erasmus.

Me in the eTwinning School Corner

Ambassadors in their local community

Discussion: Inspired by the previous video, what are some good practices and/or concrete ways for involving the local community in eTwinning? What can you do to promote eTwinning in the local community? Share some examples of activities and projects that involve(d) the local community in eTwinning. Link to Padlet.

Mandatory discussion: Ambassadors in the eTwinning community. Prepare one dedicated activity for new eTwinners and eTwinners-to-be (a speed date? a digital gymkhana? a treasure hunt?...). Link to the Padlet.

sábado, 20 de abril de 2019

Haciendo balance: Carnival in the air

Durante dos meses (febrero - marzo) hemos estado participando en el Proyecto de eTwinning  "Carnival in the air". Como comentamos en la primera entrada, el objetivo principal ha sido compartir las tradiciones y cultura en torno a la celebración del Carnaval.

En esta entrada recordamos los trabajos que hemos realizado:
* Nos presentamos.
* Presentamos Mérida: Anfiteatro Romano, Plaza de España y Acueducto de los Milagros.
* Concurso para elegir el logo del proyecto.
* Padlet con logos del proyecto.
* Concurso sobre máscaras y disfraces.
* Diccionario de palabras sobre el Carnaval en español: Presentación y vídeo.
* Recetas típicas de Extremadura.
* Producto final: Vídeo sobre el Carnaval en el CEIP. Bilingüe Ciudad de Mérida.

Haciendo balance de todo lo vivido han sido muchas las emociones que todos hemos experimentado con la realización de este fantástico proyecto. Todo el proceso vivido se ha narrado a través de este blog, pero también hemos dejado constancia de nuestros trabajos en otros canales como el blog del cole dedicado a nuestro KA1, blog oficial del cole y en la página web.

Como todo proyecto que se precie, requiere de una evaluación. A través de unos cuestionarios de Google el profesorado respondió a cuestiones como:

  • Evaluación general del proyecto.
  • En qué medida mejoraron sus destrezas comunicativas.
  • En qué medida se desarrolló su competencia digital.
  • Nivel de confianza para la comunicación en una lengua extranjera.
  • ¿Consiguieron seguir el programa del proyecto?
  • ¿Conseguiste terminar todas las tareas?
El alumnado también evaluó el proyecto. De sus respuestas podemos concluir los siguientes resultados:
  • Al 96% les gustó el proyecto.
  • Las actividades que más gustaron fueron: Hacer el vídeo del Carnaval (46%), ver los vídeos y materiales del TwinSpace (23,4%), hacer el diccionario de imágenes (16,1%) y hacer amigos europeos (14,5%).
  • El 64,5% afirma haber mejorado sus destrezas comunicativas.
  • Con respecto a los espacios de aprendizaje, el 74,2% afirma haber visitado el TwinSpace desde los centros educativos, y un 21,8% lo han utilizado tanto en la escuela como en sus hogares.
  • Por último se les preguntó si sus padres habían visitado el TwinSpace. Los resultados mostraron que un 32,3% lo habían visitado, un 25,8% no lo habían hecho, y el 41,9% de alumnos no lo sabía en el momento de realización de la encuesta.

lunes, 8 de abril de 2019

Our Carnival Video

Llegó el gran día de la celebración del Carnaval en el cole. En nuestro caso seguimos la temática del proyecto de la Biblioteca. Durante este curso todos los niveles educativos hemos trabajado la obra de la Odisea y para el evento nos disfrazamos de cíclopes y sirenas.

Este es el mapa colaborativo donde todos los socios insertamos nuestros vídeos. Ha sido maravilloso poder ver cómo celebran los Carnavales nuestros socios europeos. Este constituye nuestro producto final memorable y colaborativo.

Y este es nuestro vídeo:

lunes, 1 de abril de 2019

Para conocer nuestras tradiciones culinarias todos los países mostramos nuestras tradicionales recetas de Carnaval. Para esta tarea varios alumnos hicieron fantásticas presentaciones en las que sobrepasaron los objetivos de la tarea, mostrando además comidas típicas de Extremadura.

Alba, Andrea, Paula y Julia

Ariadna y Claudia